Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pizza + Movies = Good Life

A Movie.
(It's a surprise.)
Free tickets to the NYC theater, dance, music and art scene.
Good people.
Good times.

It's what you call the Good Life.

Don't miss Pizza & a Movie Night, Tuesday, Nov. 18th @ 5:00 p.m. Meet and mix with other High 5'ers, debate the finer points of cinema and score free tix to the best theater, dance and music NYC's got to offer. November's Pizza & a Movie Night will feature another great surprise film carefully chosen by moi and the illustrious Kevin Kilroy, High 5's Directors of Film & Pizza, new friends coming together, old friends uniting again, and, of course, pizza. Lots and lots of pizza. And juice.

What could better?

DIRECTIONS: Take the E/V to 5th avenue. Exit from the 5th Avenue exit (NOT the Madison Ave exit). Enter under the Dragon. He rests above the doors of 1 East 53rd Street.

SUGGESTED DONATION: $3 (and it's really only a suggestion....)


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