Monday, July 28, 2008

The TRaC Review Compendium '07-08

It's here!

The first ever Teen Reviewers and Critics REVIEW COMPENDIUM, with collected writings and reviews from 40 of High 5's Teen Critics.

Click the image to take a look inside....

Monday, July 7, 2008

July Pizza and a Movie

Date: Wednesday, July 16

Time: 5pm - 7:30pm

Place: High 5 HQ, 1 East 53rd Street (between 5th Ave and Madison)

People: the Teen Reviewers and Critics, High 5ers, anyone between 13 and 18 who loves movies, pizza, and wants to meet our special guest, Ronnie Porto, a screen-writer and freelancer working in the TV and movie business. Find out how to break in!

Suggested donation: $3

RSVP: eric at

Be there!