Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy post-Halloween post (and reminder: we at the High 5 office don't mind taking extra candy off your hands... free tix for Kit Kats?)

Our other Mamma Mia winner, Nino turned up on Halloween and we snapped this shot. (later, in Music TRaC, she gave her Marilyn Monroe wig to Alex D. Picture coming soon....)
Scroll down to the Mamma Mia Update post to read YaYa's rave review of the show by clicking on comments, or click here!

And a big shout out to Tai, Salome, Sophia, Nicole, Mellissa, Ariana and Nathalie for volunteering to help out at the Urban Word poetry slam/Knicks/college extravaganza at the Hammerstein Ballroom this Saturday. (Multi TRaC, Theater TRaC and Visual Arts TRaC represent! Where you at Music TRaC and Dance TRaC?? ;)

If anyone else is free on Sat, come on by and say hello. The event is from 10 - 4pm. The Hammerstein is on 34th Street between 8th and 9th Ave.

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