Tuesday, August 7, 2007

thinking about the Gates

(while looking for a good picture of the gates i found this. graffiti to question the art... a different twist, eh?)

Below is the link to the Christo and Jeanne-Claude's website. Click on the SOME ARTWORKS button and browse through their work a bit. They have wrapped entire buildings and bridges, and surrounded islands in the Florida keys. Why? I have no idea. But I think it's awesome. Read about their process - fascinating stuff. http://www.christojeanneclaude.net/index.shtml

I pulled this Q&A directly out of the FAQs on their site:

Why are their works so big. What's the point?

Christo and Jeanne-Claude's works are entire environments, whether they are urban or rural. The artists temporarily use one part of the environment. In doing so, we see and perceive the whole environment with new eyes and a new consciousness.

The effect is astounding. To be in the presence of one of these artworks is to have your reality rocked. You see things you have never seen before. You also get to see the fabric manifest things that cannot usually be seen, like the wind blowing, or the sun reflecting in ways it had not before.

The effect lasts longer than the actual work of art. Years after every physical trace has been removed and the materials recycled, original visitors can still see and feel them in their minds when they return to the sites of the artworks.

There is no other way to describe that the feeling of that effect other than to say it is magical.

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